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My Skin Care Regimen

Moy, Fincher, Chipps Facial Plastics & Dermatology is widely regarded as one of the leading dermatology practices nationally. Led by board-certified dermatologists Drs. Ronald Moy, Edgar Fincher, Lisa Chipps and Jennifer Herrmann – MFC has helped tens of thousands of patients with their skin care needs. From medical dermatology conditions to cosmetic dermatology concerns, there’s little the dermatologists at MFC have not treated. So, who better to ask about the ideal skin care regime? Stop trying department store skin care products with little results. Ditch the Pinterest at home facial masks. In this series of Question & Answer Interviews we go straight to the nation’s leading skin care experts to find out their daily skin care regimen.

How would you describe your skin type?

Sensitive and combination

How would you describe your daily skincare regimen?

Simple! Less is definitely more when it comes to my skin care regimen. As a working mom, time is always a premium, so I use just a few products morning and night.

What is your morning routine?

I cleanse with a gentle cleanser, then apply an antioxidant lotion, followed by a DNA repair cream, and then tinted mineral-based sunscreen. I avoid additional powder or liquid foundations as I prefer a lighter, more natural appearance.

What is your nighttime routine?

I cleanse with a gentle or lightly exfoliating cleanser for brightening, then apply a growth factor serum and twice weekly a retinoid. If I need extra moisture, I use a hyaluronic acid-based moisturizer.

What are your favorite skincare products?

If you can, what is your one skincare tips to live by?

Simplicity and not over-treating or over-stripping the skin of natural moisture. I also continue to scrutinize new products that hit the market, especially ones grounded in science. I’m intrigued by an emerging class of topicals that use probiotics to help restore healthy organisms to the skin, but currently, we aren’t there yet on product development. As we better elucidate the normal milieu of “bugs” living on healthy skin, I think we will be able to better treat many skin conditions like acne, rosacea, and eczema more naturally by using products that restore these healthy organisms and reestablish balance as opposed to using synthetic medications that wipe out everything indiscriminately.

What other advice to you have to achieve and maintain healthy skin?

While a skin care routine is important, it’s best to compliment one with in-office treatments to maximize skin health and youthfulness. I love to work with my patients to develop programs that help them improve problem areas and achieve their skin health goals while being mindful of budgets and lifestyles. It’s a team effort!

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